Eugene Boch´s family background
Francois Boch
metal molder, ceramist
great great grandfather
founded the Boch Ceramics company in 1748 |
Pierre Joseph Boch,
(1737 - 1818)
ceramics industrialist
great grandfather
2nd generation |
Jean Francois Boch
(1782 - 1858)
ceramics industrialist
3rd generation |
Eugen von Boch
(1809 - 1898)
ceramics industrialist
4th generation |
Victor Boch (and Eugene)
(1817 - 1920)
ceramics industrialist
4th generation |
In the 10 generations of the Boch family,
there have always been,
... some Business People
... and some Artists.

Old Luxembourg
(Vieux Luxembourg)
a design in production
since 1768
The different Ceramis companies started in 1748
as Jean François Boch & Frères
in Audun le Tige (France, province of Lorraine near Luxemburg and the Saar)
Old Luxembourg
(Vieux Luxembourg)
a design in production
since 1768 |
Octave Maus
(1856 - 1919)
musician, lawyer
2nd cousin
5th generation |
Anna Boch
(1848 - 1936)
5th generation |
Eugene Boch
(1855 - 1941)
5th generation |
Back in the old times the family´s artistic potential has been used
for the benefit of the company.
Destiny of Eugene and Anna´s Art Collection
Eugene and Anna Boch were unconventional and non conformist
which annoyed some cousins of their age
around the company seat in Mettlach, Germany.
After the death of their uncle Eugen von Boch
contact ceased.
Due to Eugene and Anna´s friendship with many artists,
and their
desire to sponsor artists with no money,
built up two of the most important collections of Impressionist Art of their times.
When they passed away 1936 and 1941
both collections
the Eugene Boch collection
and the Anna Boch collection
were dissolved.
Eugene Boch lies at the Cimetière de Monthyon.
His house was for sale when the website came alife.
It needed some refrechment, but it was quite unchanged.
Only one family had lived there in the meantime.
The city of Monthyon and it's mayor Bernard Lefranc decided to buy it
so this cultural heritage will be preserved ...
25 years and 2 generations later, in the 1960s
Luitwin von Boch took the initiative to save what was left from their cultural heritage.
Old Abbey
home of the future
Anna & Eugene Boch
Expo |
Luitwin von Boch,
(1906 - 1988)
great nephew
7th generation |
Gate of the Alte Abtei,
seat of Villeroy & Boch
and home of the future
Anna & Eugene Boch Expo
Luitwin & Beatrice von Boch
and Milicent zu Solms |
Luitwin & Beatrice von Boch
and children
8th generation |
Luitwin von Boch, 7th generation, was very charismatic.
When he became CEO of Villeroy & Boch he was only 25
the company was struggeling ...
Over the years,
during his 40 year long presidency,
he multiplied the company´s value
over and over again,
by more than a 100 times !

Logo designed around 1950 for Luitwin von Boch
He saw the importance to maintain
the almost forgotten
cultural heritage
of his uncle Eugene and his aunt Anna
He hired Dr Thérèse Thomas, a young historian,
to research information.
In the late 1960´s he was able to buy some of Eugene´s
many of Anna´s paintings
... with the idea
to make a Museum in Mettlach, Germany.
Due to a complicated "viager" contract most of the paintings only arrived in 1992,
4 years after his death in 1988,
so Luitwin von Boch did not have the time to realize the Museum ....
A permanent expo opened in April 2011.

Apparently Eugene Boch´s collection included several Van Gogh paintings,
more than what is actually known to the public:
He received one painting when exchanging artworks between "painter friends",
other paintings might have been given to him by Vincent as presents.
Presents by affection or presence by gratitude ...
In the older generations of the Boch family it was a tradition
to support friends in financial needs,
without ever talking about it.
It would surprise the editor of this website
if "uncle" Eugene had not been a discrète financial support
for Vincent in between
the summer 1888 until the end of his life.
Johanna van Gogh Bogner

Johanna van Gogh Bogner,
widow of Vincent van Gogh´s brother Theo
and in later years friend of Eugene Boch
As already mentioned Eugene Boch received his portrait done by Vincent van Gogh
as a present from Johanna van Gogh Bogner.
what happened to the other paintings
owned by Johanna van Gogh ?
The Art Collection was located in Eugene´s house,
La Villa La Grimpette in Monthyon, France
Many information on the destiny of Eugene Boch´s amazing collection is missing ....
In 1914 his house La Villa La Grimpette was used
as a Seat for the Etat Major of the French Army fighting against the Germans
... which might not have helped the paintings.
what happened
to the Villa La Grimpette ?
What happened to the paintings ?

Eugene´s favorite painting however got to it´s destination,
as had wanted it.
In his own will he passed on the present he got
from Vincent & Johanna van Gogh
to the van Gogh Lovers of the World
by giving it to the Louvre.
As he was very discrete,
very shy,
too shy to promote himself.
Not many people might think about him any more today ...
Just like van Gogh,
he never received much recognition in his lifetime
During his long life it was his joy
to notice his friend Vincent becoming
more and more famous,
world famous.
By giving the portrait to the Louvre,
that had already died back in 1890,
51 years before Eugene,
and that had expressed the desire to paint Eugene as beautiful as he could,
like a star in the depths of an azure sky
made him become famous
on his turn
... after his own death
now , 70 years later, this little website might contribute a little ...